Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekending: Always Winter?

Well, it's still winter here, it feels like it will never end.

We finally finished reading, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And I think I know what all those characters felt like always winter.

I know we've loved these months... but today, right now it feels like spring is a far off dream that is just out of grasp. We've even loved the snow-- the quiet it brings to our home and the way that it makes the days seem a bit slower, the sounds of the world dampened by a thick blanket. But right now, we are itching for green gardens, dark deep earth and the unmistakeable sweet smell of growth.

I resolve to be patient, I will practice my resolve... It will be here soon.

This weekend, we had a beautiful mix of old friends and new. Dinners, birthday parties, pre-snow trail jaunts (hand knits, capes, sunglasses, neon), gymnastics, church... slowly one thing fades into the other and we magically arrive at Sunday evening. Where we sit comfortably book and journal in hand, Harry Potter 4 in the DVD player and with a cup of coffee (which I will regret while wide eyed at 2 am, I’m sure).

But, if I can just wonder in amazement at these two faces for a moment. They were babes just yesterday, weren't they? They were all limbs, coos and cries, milk faced and sleepy? And now. Now, they are intensely their own.

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