Monday, February 23, 2009

Irresistible Joy

Bath Time, originally uploaded by TheYellowDoorPaperie.

Here is an irresistible photo, that my friend Wendy took. The kids play at her house during the week when I’m at work. And the kids love it. They’ve only been going a week, but they clap and sing on the way to her house. It makes my mommy-heart happy.

If you knew our kids, you’d know that they LOVE to take baths together. The tradition started over a year ago, play dates, usually in the evening ran over into bath time/bedtime. So they’d get bathed together, before going back home for bedtime. Then summer rolled around so pool trips, backyard water play and such ended in the bathtub as well.

This picture just captures the sheer joy they feel when they’re together.

And the joy I feel when looking about their sweet faces. It just cracks me up.

Hope you have a joy-filled start to your week!

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