Friday, June 15, 2012

Community Garden

We have a little allotment, a piece of land in our town's community garden. And it has been such an enriching experience.

I think the kids are more apt to help in this garden than at our home. As soon as we get to our garden plot they take their shoes off and stick their toes in the mud. Because what's the point of gardening if not barefoot?

They rake and hoe, they shovel and run around like crazy.

Truman likes to water plants and people (mostly his sister who HATES getting wet unexpectedly). Then runs off with my camera to say to our other gardening neighbors, "Hi! I'm a news man, I've come to take your picture" Snap a photo then run away (:

One of our 'neighbors' lives just beyond the garden, so she told the kids she had bugs for them and she would be right back. She came back with a handful gummy worms and gummy butterflies. The kids laughed so hard! Truman kept saying, "WOW. Mrs. Korver, I thought you were bringing us real bugs!" And Isabel chimed in with, "These taste much better than REAL bugs!"

Eric spends the most time here, I think it's soothing his soul. He has a natural grace for gardening.

Thanks for taking a peek in our second gardening home.

Have a lovely weekend!

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