Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Unintended Pause

Today I did something I haven't done in about four weeks, I took a walk. It was a beautiful day and it was finally in the 70's, we got some light rain last night. The kids and I walked slowly from home to the library and back. We were gone almost an hour, it was so nice to just be able to put one foot in front of the other.

About four weeks ago, I went to the doctors complaining of a headache and feeling so tired that I couldn't think. After a few rounds of tests, I was diagnosed with a virus, I thought I'd be ok with rest over the weekend. But this virus was relentless and I felt like my body was falling apart, I've spent most of the last three weeks in bed or on the couch. It attacks lymphnodes and joints so I most of my body deeply ached and I couldn't get enough sleep to feel like I was rested.

And I am still tired, but finally in the last 24 hours I feel like I might be on the up swing.

There have been so many friends that have taken the time to bless my little family and I can't thank them enough.

Thank you too for the emails and messages. Yes! I will be blogging again and I will be doing ok soon too.

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