Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My family is here to visit all the way from California. Sisters, parents, friends, Grandma-- the whole gang. They traveled all of the 26th to make it to a foggy and very cold corner of Iowa.

There has been lots of coffee, hot chocolate, shuffling of dishes, people, chairs, toys and children. We've had time for dramatic play (Auntie Jayme is a Dragon, Aunt Megan is a pet Kitty and so on...), baking cookies with purple frosting no less and blustery day walks ending at the bakery.

Our Christmas day was lovely and relaxing. Opening our stockings with a trip out to our friends farm for some snow play and lots of food. We are spoiled.

December 27th was our second Christmas day. Stockings, presents, family from far away, monkey bread, egg scramble— turkey sausage and onions...yum! Lots of special well-thought-out gifts.

My mom is amazing and even organized my studio space which has been aching for a little organization. I haven’t touched it since the move to the basement. It was overwhelming and I always have this lurking feeling I should be upstairs cleaning instead of downstairs cleaning my own things. Well, thanks to my lovely and much more organized mother, I have a fully functioning studio again. I did push things out of the way to use the gocco screen printer, and a few other things got moved to wrap and sew gifts. That’s about it loveys. I think there will be much more crafting going forward.

Speaking of crafting... Ahem, we went to Susan’s Yarn Garden in Sioux City, IA. I did a little interview and photo essay for all of you that are in Sioux City or are planning a visit to our fair state. Be on the look out. She gave me a few patterns too!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Quick and Easy Hummus

This is one of my favorite holiday recipe because its quick easy, and doesn't take all the dishes in the cupboard to make. Plus, lets be honest its hard to find good Hummus in Northwest Iowa.

No one will ever guess that this took you less than five minutes to throw together.
Basil and Pecan Hummus
One can drained garbanzos (also called chick peas)
1-2 Cloves garlic chopped
3-5 Tablespoons Olive Oil (or more if you like it moister)
Handful of pecans toasted in olive oil
6-8 leaves of fresh basil
Chipotle Tabasco sauce to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

In a small skillet toast the pecans in some olive oil. Just until you start to smell the nutty smell, and they are just a bit darker than usual.
Drain off oil.

In a food processor, chop nuts and garlic. Add drained garbanzos, olive oil a little at a time. Then the Tabasco, salt and pepper.

Stir in finely chopped fresh basil and top with about a tablespoon of extra olive oil. Turn the mixture into a funky bowl of choice.

And your done.

I make homemade pita bread from this book which is also insanely easy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Man

I don't often blog specifically about the little guy. Probably because our conversations arn't tickle-me-funny yet, but I'm sure there will be soon.

I've realized that there are a few mile stones that I've yet to share in his little world.

He is walking! And to Grandma for the first momentous steps. He's a smart boy. He knew he'd get the most mileage in his steps if he walked to his biggest fan (other than momma and daddy of course). He just walked his unsteady and a little sideways gait toward Grandma, big smile (as always) and arms out. It was quite amazing!

His word list is expanding also. He's a little parrot, repeating lots of little words and phrases in his own Truman way. His favorite word? Cooookkkkiiieee. Cookie. A man after my own heart.

Another milestone. Coffee drinking. I'm telling the dog-gone truth. I have no clue what let him talk me into giving him some (a thimbleful with lots of milk, no sugar). HE LOVES IT. Now he asks for "Coffkee, Mama." Can I say it again? A man after a Mama's heart.

He loves cooking in his sister's play kitchen making 'nummies' and feeding them to the masses, that metal mug overfloweth with lots of nummies.

He loves his grandparents, and talking on the phone. Naturally he would spend most of his playtime talking to "Hyyeee Guhma" (Hi Grandma), "GuhMommy" (GrandMommy) and Bahn-Bahn" (Grandma Bonnie also referred to as Bon-Bon... Thank you nickname happy Isabel) on the Hello (Telephone).

I'm realizing more and more what a grown up little man he is! And the funny conversations are there, just in a few words. Maybe just a few words is all you need.

So, thanks to Megan I found what a lovely name! It is the cutest experiential website. If your in need of babynames (which I am not, just for clarification), try this little place out, it'll make you your own logo out of your babies or your own name!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Dear Friends,
What a great year we've had, thinking back I've made through the wondeful months of being a stay-at-home mom, and the through almost 9 months of being back in a full time job as an Art Director.

My kids have grown up, mastered new skills, loved, cried, played their way through 2008.

As we look forward to 2009 lets make a few resolutions:
1. To pray for the country, the people who will lose or have lost their jobs, homes... etc.
2. Think about others, be compassionate, don't loose your temper. Helping out others when ever we can.
3. To think about the little guy, whether the small toy maker across the country (write your letters see the right navigation for instructions) or the lady next door who needs help shoveling snow.
4. Buy and make handmade items. Let's bring crafts-person-ship back to our everyday life. (Bye, bye plastic, premade and over processed... big box).
5. Read more with your kids! (And return you books to the library... sorry Orange City Library, I'll be in soon!)
6. Turn off the TV, computer and bring out the coloring, crafts, games, books.
7. Be thankful, be grateful. Keep a gratitude journal and remember to write thank you cards.
8. Bake, cook, eat together. Dinner together as many nights as possible.
9. Save energy, save money.
10. Be a student of life in every situation.

Here is a great link to making this home for a greener Christmas!
Here are another link to a great idea for greener gift giving... used books and a handmade bag!

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I'll probably be popping in and out during the festivities....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Things That Live in My Brain

I've had a project that has been sitting in my brain. Being built piece by piece until I could let it out and actually make it.

The dilemma ? We have no place to hang stockings, sadly, no mantle. And until recently we had nothing hanging on the walls in our living room.

My goal this season is to recycle/upcycle most of my gifts and decorations.

I used a cabinet front, that had long since been abandoned in the barn.

An old comforter from college,

some upholstery fabric that had been laying around the house and strung wooden cranberries, a few glass buttons and we're in business!
A few hours and a good friend. It was built and ready to hang.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vanilla Season

It is funny on blogs, I think there are ebbs and flows of information. Trends and fashions. There is something I'm noticing.

Vanilla Season

AngryChicken, DesignMom and Catherine Newman have all posted really great recipes and ideas for homemade vanilla products.

I love it, we've been making infused vodkas for a few years now. And currently we have a cranberry-rhubarb a brewin'. I'll be starting a vanilla soon, maybe today? Ooo and how bout vanilla espresso extract. Yum!

Join the fun and make your own vanilla!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bye, Bye Boston Legal

To add to my fabulous evening yesterday, Eric and I took in the special two hour Boston Legal. I hate to say that I was not surprised by the ending but not expecting it either.

I don't watch a lot of TV but this show I've always enjoyed from the first episode till now.

I think they finished strong and took a look at pressing issues in America (as always). I will miss intelligent television, this seems to be the end of immature and irreverent, yet sophisticated comedy. I am not ready to sit down and knit for two hours to the premier of the Ashton Kutcher/Tyra Banks collaborative. Waiting for another show that will spark my interest... I do still have Brothers and Sisters.

Ok, off my soap box.

Boston Legal you will be missed.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Evening

Tonight, was very sweet. Isabel and I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas, our favorite hot chocolate and while Izzo played with the counting jar I continued working on my stocking for Truman.

Our conversations were, like always scattered but informative. 'Mommy, can't I go see the mouse movie right now?" I had to explain that no, The Tale of Despereux comes out in theaters first, then into the movie store-- I gave a much longer and wordier explanation.

Her response to my tirade about movie theaters, "So I have to go to the Big, Dark Movie, like I went with to Meggie, and then they feed the movies in the store by the park like dinner. And I can buy a movie after the park when its sunny....." I don't know how well my explanation was absorbed.

I do love how everything in our house comes back to dinner.

Hope you have a wonderful evening for yourself.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let them eat Maisy Cake

Isabel and the new helmet for her new bike.

My attempt to draw with frosting.
Isabel was delighted... "Mom, how did Maisy get on my cake?"

And a very happy birthday was had by all.

Friday, December 5, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Howdy ya’ll! I’m back from a family trip to Alabama and what a wonderful trip it was.

Now that I’m home it’s Christmas time, I have so many recipes, stories, traditions, presents dancing around in my head like the nutcracker suite.

Isabel and I made some really wonderful little hand-painted pillow ornaments last night. Truman tried to grab them off the table, red paint on the t-shirt and on the floor. But he was pretty proud of himself.

Tonight we’re going to copious amounts of glitter to red and white felt stars. Waiting until Truman is in bed before glitter comes out of the craft closet.

This is the first year I’ll be really decorating in this house and I want our house to not only reflect our style but our philosophy on life: so I’ll be sharing our recycled, free-cycled, up-cycled, thrifted, handmade and wonderful holiday!

I’m going to brag a little since I am ahead of the game for the first time in my life! I have our Christmas cards already printed via Snapfish. My week of holiday menus are nearly planned and all the frozen items shopped for and most of my Christmas gifts are completed. We’re putting up our Christmas tree tonight, baking cookies and making Isabel’s new favorite, hot chocolate.

Whew! I don’t feel stressed about it yet, but I’m sure I will soon. Slow and steady wins the race? Right?

Microwave Hot Chocolate
1 8 oz. Mircrowave safe mug of milk
Scant 1 tsp. of cocoa powder
2 tsp (or less) of powdered sugar
Microwave for 30 seconds to a minute— until the milk is warmed and the chocolate melted. Yum, Yum!

A splash of Baileys Irish Cream for Me and Eric... so good.


I am using this wonderful little tool, SpringPad to keep all of my brain-wanderings organized digitally (along with my Moleskine sketchbook and monthly calendar).

Molly over mommycoddle at had some great ideas about Christmas present organizing.

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