Monday, May 6, 2013

weekending:: dirt + robots

What a lovely weekend. It was simple and sweet. The skies were grey but the grass is vibrant, eager and promising. It was misting a bit as Isabel and I walked home from a birthday party on Saturday. I took deep, gulping breaths of spring wind. We both agreed we loved the smell of dirt.

Tonight, Isabel and I walked home from our beloveds John-John and Bon-Bon's house-- we were  dancing robots, we skipped, we tried to walk as a three legged race, then we spent the last block humming an empty conversation. I hummed a tune, then she hummed one back. It was more elaborate with every mumbling question and answer. Buzzing lips-- a wild tonic in the rain. We laughed and laughed.

When she was getting her jammies on tonight, she said, "Yeah, but Dad, I have NO IDEA what we even said to each other. But it was nice." It shows you sometimes, you just have to be present and dance like a robot down the middle of town.


We spent our Sketchbook Saturday Morning time around the kitchen table. We took out the paints and brushes plus, we made robots out of butter boxes and hot glue. I started a little embroidery, read a bit of a book and I drank a latte while we watched it rain.

Today, a pot luck at church and a trip to the swimming pool. After we put the kids to bed, I folded laundry while we watched The Bletchley Circle. The drama, suspense and costumes. So good!

Even though, we had lots of little things going on this weekend, I felt like we got to spend a lot of time together, together.

What were you up to this weekend?

Joining amanda for weekending

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