Friday, August 31, 2012

Dinner Dinner

If you watch my instagram feed (yellowdoormary), you'll see that I mostly post about us dinner's ingredients, dinner on the table, whose visiting for dinner..... and so on.

Dinner is a big deal at our house. It's a rhythm that is so grounding. When we've had a busy week and we've taken too much food on the road or even at other places-- I can feel us floundering a bit.

On the evenings that seem to run smoothly-- we come in, we check the mail, let the dog outside, wash our hands and then we start in on dinner.

We pick a good pandora station, we set the table together, we chop, stir and sautee together. And then we all sit down for dinner. For me, the simpler the ingredients the easier and more carefree the meal. And at this time of year, how can it not be fresh, local, simple. Last nights dinner, I bought still warm from the sun broccoli from the farmers market down the block. And after a quick rinse, I roasted it with a little olive oil and some garlic. So. Good.

But more than food, I know I love that we all gather. The four of us to talk about our days, our best parts and it's a time to be silly! After dinner we read a bit from a devotion book then discuss how it applies to our own lives. The kids really seem to get into saying what is on their hearts and their minds and I get to see a window into their souls as they start to develop their own moral imagination.

So today, after a very busy week, I am looking forward to dinners together. Simple and lovely foods and faces that I love sharing their hearts as we break bread together.

What moments are lovely to you during the week?

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