Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Love is like Avocados

My husband, Eric went on a business trip that kept him from us from Thursday until the wee hours of this glorious Tuesday morning. And what little treat did he bring for me? Flowers? No, so much better.

Avocados and a lime. We often say in the dead of winter while eating eggs and spinach, chicken tacos, salad... "You know what would make this SOOOO much better?" The answer is always, avocado.

So tonight on my chicken taco, I'm having avocados. Avocados with love.

And I think about our life together. How we've grown. We are no longer two starry-eyed kids eating omelettes with avocados and planning our life together.

We are starry-eyed adults, living our life together. We have the two kids, the dog and cozy little life we dreamed of all of those years ago. 

I was so glad to have him home. Just him.  The house was set right when he walked through that back door. Lucy dog, sighed in relief (jumping and wagging her tail).

Truman woke up right away when he heard Daddy come home. Truman's little heart rested soundly, as he breathed little-man-breaths next his Daddy sneaking in between us in early-morning hours.

Our Truth: Home is when all of us are under the same roof.

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