Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Family Studio

The playroom has become an evolving space-- blocks and tinkers, cars and dolls are now on new shelves in the closet. Books are in the huge closet too. Actually those shelves took care of most of the clutter in the room.

For years, I've been wanting to have a family studio, some place where creativity and homework can collide. I wanted all of us to have a desk (Eric shares my drafting table with me). I used this tool storage for art supplies (you might remember it from here).

This is Truman's desk, he chose this poster to hang above his little space.

This is Isabel's desk, both desks were rescued from the elementary schools trash bin years ago (before kids!).

And my desk is getting a lot of use-- I've resolved to paint a bit every night. And so far, I've kept that resolve!

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