Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Playing at the Park

This is my favorite time of year, park playing time! We check out different parks all over the area-- rain or shine, grey skies or blue. As long as the kid are in a good mood, I love it.

Sometimes when they are not, I find taking the time to let them run off their energy and frustration is so helpful.  I, in turn take the time to breath in the fresh air, feel the sun on my face or the wind in my hair. And I am again energized to be present with them.

And being present always helps their mood and mine. We are all connected, to each other's temperaments, but don't have to be ruled by them.

My mantra of the week? Raise them with the future in mind, not the short term. What changes in behavior now will benefit them later?


Ahh yes, you guessed it-- we're beginning Truman's transformation in preparation for preschool. On the checklist?  Pacifier (day three check), potty training (o boy),  sippy cup at bedtime (God give me strength)...

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