Friday, April 30, 2010


This week was filled with lots of late working, and many helping hands to keep the kiddos snuggled, played with and barely missing me at all. It takes a village-- it really does, I am so glad to have helpmates on this journey,  our community keeps me grounded on busy weeks like this. And I am so grateful for them.

This weekend we are going to take it easy, Saturday breakfast, our regular Sunday Lunch. And lots of up keep, mow the lawn, mop the floor... you know. The usual!


While I've been away here are a few moments that we've treasured. 

Sunday Morning Breakfasts::

Eric's Homemade Granola::

Playing in the Rain::

Shelter Awareness Day Picnic with
Our Friends from The Bridge::

After Lots of Playing::

Dress Up AND Playing Outside in The Mud::

What have you been doing?

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