Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It seems, here in Iowa, that we are on the crux of seasons. Winter is loosening it’s grip, but not ready to give up yet and spring is just starting to peek out.

We had our first look at grass.

It grows in less than a week. I always marvel, being a native Californian, that Midwest grass can be dead, ice burnt and crunchy one Sunday and by the next it’s an inch and a half long, by two weeks it’s almost ready for mowing.

I dressed Izzo and her friend, Livy up in coats and hats to walk the block and a half to our library. But just two days ago we let Izzo play in shorts and a t-shirt outside.

It’s the back and forth that I’m particularly in love with here. This time of year, I am not ready to go from bulky sweaters and jump whole heartedly into swimsuit season-- that you cannot do over night. My white-marshmallow-self would have a heart attack. But I am so ready for warm afternoon walks and smoothie pops on the front porch.


We did have a wonderful time in California. And even though I’ve promised anecdotes and such, I think the pictures speak for themselves. We were so grateful to have this lovely weekend, however short it seemed. You can find more pictures here and here.

Needless to say we’re still recovering over here, and yes we’ve been home more than a week. Schedules are slowly getting back into place. Here is one of my favorite recent photos. The morning after we got home, squeezing out the last moments of sleep before we left for Wendy’s.


Last night, I made up a new recipe combining my two standbys. One, one and one cookies and Mary’s Super Wonderful Granola.

Follow the directions for the cookies. Throw in a handful of granola (this batch was made without dried fruit), butterscotch chips and chocolate chips. Mix up, scoop and form into balls. Sugar each cookie then smash with a fork in a crisscross pattern. They are reminiscent of my grandma’s 7 Layer Cookies... without the 25 minute baking time and so easy!

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